Saturday, March 19, 2011

Dam Angels

I find that I love to collect certain categories of trolls. Angels are one of them, so I thought it would be fun to put together a post of all the Dam Angels. There are many Angels made by other brands, but since this blog focuses mainly on Dam trolls, other brands have, for the most part, been excluded.

Click any of the photos to make them larger.

She is the largest of the Dam Angels currently being made.
The smaller 6.5" version is below.

The Angel on the left was made primarily in the 80's. The Angel on the right is much newer, made around the year 2005. She was part of a short lived series where they tried to reintroduce Dam trolls into the American mainstream market.

The Angel on the left is the newest of the Angels, having been made by Dam in just the past couple of years. The harp is removable - it is held in place by a stem protruding from the back, which is inserted into a hole in the right hand. The Angel on the right is named Glenda Goodheart. She is part of the second series of Totally Troll. Around 2001, Playmates Toys released 2 series of Dam trolls (5 inchers in cute outfits, with cute names), and called the line "Totally Troll." Unfortunately, they were rather unsuccessful, and were very short lived. They all had colored shapes on their hands that when warmed by the heat of your finger, they would fade and reveal the one word message underneath. Glenda has a blue butterfly that says "Faith."

There are a series of Christmas ornaments that were made in the 80's/90's (all made out of the 2.5" Norfette mold), one of which was a cute little Angel. The 5 inch angel next to her is for size comparison (plus I think they are cute together ;-) ).

This is a rare prototype of an Angel troll made at the Dam factory. There are only a few of her in existence. Her wings are part of her mold, and since she is made to be suspended and flying, she is unable to stand on her own. No problem, she always has a handy Angel friend ready to help!

Though Cupid is not an Angel, he is sort of celestial...
Well, I couldn't resist adding him. He's just so darn cute. The Dam cupid on the right (his Ace brand cupid friend is on the left - another pair I think are cute together ;-) ) is a new Dam, having been made in the past couple of years. He has a bejeweled belly button, white cloth diapers and booties, and holds a fabric bow and arrow in his hand. His other hand holds a plush heart, and heart antenna adorn his head. His golden cloth wings are topped by tufts of white hair.

This is a redone Dam Angel in my collection that I just love! Her wings are real feathers, and I love the hue of her hair. (Redone by Transplash on eBay :-) )

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