Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Vintage Troll Articles and Ads

I have always been fascinated by old troll ads and articles. It is always so neat to see what trolls looked like in their original condition, and what their prices were when they first came out. Plus, its fun to read anything to do with trolls ;-).

On most I was able to do a high quality scan, so you can enlarge it for better viewing and easier reading. Just click on the image to enlarge.

Here are a few:

1964-65 Dam Things Brochure

1964-65 Dam Things Brochure, back

1965 Dam Things Ad

1960's Article clipping

(sorry, not a very good scan)

1980's Norfin Ad

1980's Adopt a Norfin Ad

1980's Doll Factory, Adopt a Norfin Ad

1980's Storybook Norfin Bo Peep Ad

1966 JC Penny catalogue, Wishnik trolls
(description on the left, photos on the right)

Jan/Feb edition, 1990 National Doll World
(four pages)

Fall 1984 National Doll World Omnibook

Fall 1984 National Doll World Omnibook